Golden Pig Roasts
Menu Options

Hog Roast:
Traditional pork, reared outdoors on our farm.
Our basic hog roast package consists of a pig spit-cooked on your site, served by our carver in a roll with stuffing, apple sauce and crackling and served in serviettes. Pricing starts at £600 and allows for 120 servings.
Lamb Roast:
Charolais lamb, homebred and reared outdoors, served in a bap with mint sauce or redcurrant jelly and optional stuffing.
Pricing starts at £400 and caters for approximately 50 servings.
We offer a range of sides and salads to suit your requirements.
Our basic selection is below:
Mixed leaf green salad.
Chunky lettace, tomato and cucumber medley.
Potato salad with crème fraiche and mint.
Beetroot & Tomato salad.
Homemade coleslaw.
Please contact us with any requests as our salads are made in house and can be tailored to your requirements.
Pricing depends on location, time of year, number of people etc and so can vary from quote to quote. Please contact us for an accurate individual quotation.